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Increasingly, career development organizations are being evaluated on employment outcomes. With this focus, we've developed three areas the CJDN can support organizations including a 'Best Practices Strategic Planning

Consulting Session and Report', 'Team Job Development Training'

or 'Individual Job Development Training'. We've detailed each below.

Best Practices Strategic Planning

​Job Development Best Practices Strategic Planning, involves an in-depth third-party analysis of an organization's strengths and challenges with the development or a Strategic Plan identifying what an organization is doing well and should build on as well as areas of unexplored growth. The Strategic Plan will include an action plan of strategies intended to significantly improve an organization's employment and placement outcomes.

Team Job Development Training

Utilizing the curriculum for 'Developing a Comprehensive Approach to Job Development' this one-day team training session explores best practices in job development, strategies for better engaging employers, a framework to ensure clients/students are prepared for job search and a plan to meet employment goals, while focusing on daily activities that will have the greatest impact on meeting those goals.

Individual Job Development Training

Offered online, this training option utilizes the same content as 'Developing a Comprehensive Approach to Job Development' but tailors it to the individual. Online participants learn how to better develop their employer relationships, refine their client pitches, organize their time, liaise with community stakeholders, take steps to achieve employment outcomes and ensure clients/students enjoy sustainable employment.

Cost: $175.00 per person

(Run Time: 3 hours / 37 minutes)

​To learn more about the

Canadian Job Development Network,

please contact:

call: 604-288-2424 or 647-660-3665

or email:

Canadian Job Development Network

Vancouver: 604-288-2424   |    Toronto: 647-660-3665   |   Email:

©2024 by Canadian Job Development Network

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