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Job Development Learning Modules

The first Monday of each month we share a brand new Job Development Learning Module with the members of the Canadian Job Development Network. We review the video and explore the workbook and both are uploaded to this page and available for free for 9 days. After this, the video and workbook are available for $49.95 per module. Below is a list of our Job Development Learning Modules.


We're dropping our next Job Development Learning Module

Monday July 8th at 8:30am Pacific / 11:30am Eastern. 

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How to Recruit an Amazing Job Developer


Adopting a scientific approach to job development, with specific steps to take to achieve quantifiable employment outcomes can positively transform the experience of any career professional who is actively engaging employers. This learning module explores what a scientific approach looks like;  the benefits of a new approach to job development; how to adopt an employer's perspective; the value of goal setting and tracking; keeping score of job development success; and achieving employment outcomes through areas of influence. Learning module includes the video presentation and workbook. (40 Minutes) 


Cost $49.95 (including 2.38 GST)

Click Here to Download the Video and Workbook

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Coaching Individuals to Thrive in Their Job Search


The better your clients or students are at job search, the more valuable they will be to prospective employers and the more effective you’ll be in your work. This learning module will discuss an accountability framework; adopting a 'sales manager' perspective; how we seek perfection but remind ourselves that no one is perfect; making it personal; and guidance you can provide your clients in how job search is done, preparation, job search tools, contacting employers, personal presentation and follow-up. (31 Minutes)


Cost $49.95 (including 2.38 GST)

Click Here to Download the Video and Workbook

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Creating a Mastermind Group for Job Development


Across the country, job developers and other employment professionals are regularly meeting to discuss local employers; changes in the labour market; and opportunities to better connect with businesses. While they may have many names they are Mastermind Groups for Job Development. The module explores what a Mastermind Group is; the benefits of a Mastermind Group; how local employers benefit from a group; who should be involved; how to start a group; addressing competition among members; timing for meetings; running a group; long-term projects; and being recognized as a Mastermind Group. (36 Minutes) 


Cost $49.95 (including 2.38 GST)

Click Here to Download the Video and Workbook

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Organizing Your Work and Employer Contacts to Achieve Employment and Placement Outcomes


Those involved in job development and building employer relationships have a broad array of goals from creating general awareness in the employer community to placing individuals in employment or co-op placements and arranging wage subsidies. This learning module discusses how to stock the employer prospects pipeline; develop a CRM system for employers; the importance of 'time-blocking'; developing highly qualified prospects; pitching your clients / students to employers; and the three laws of prospecting employers. Learning module includes the video presentation and workbook. (27 Minutes) 


Cost $49.95 (including 2.38 GST)

Click Here to Download the Video and Workbook

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Incorporating a Scientific Approach to Job Development


Adopting a scientific approach to job development, with specific steps to take to achieve quantifiable employment outcomes can positively transform the experience of any career professional who is actively engaging employers. This learning module explores what a scientific approach looks like;  the benefits of a new approach to job development; how to adopt an employer's perspective; the value of goal setting and tracking; keeping score of job development success; and achieving employment outcomes through areas of influence. Learning module includes the video presentation and workbook. (22 Minutes) 


Cost $49.95 (including 2.38 GST)

Click Here to Download the Video and Workbook

Canadian Job Development Network

Vancouver: 604-288-2424   |    Toronto: 647-660-3665   |   Email:

©2024 by Canadian Job Development Network

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